Clone an Existing Vault which uses obsidian-git


Get URL of existing vault

  • keybase://private/USERNAME/REPONAME
  • keybase://team/TEAMNAME/REPONAME
  • etc.

Clone the repo

mkdir -p ~/Documents/Obsidian
cd ~/Documents/Obsidian
git clone keybase://team/TEAMNAME/REPONAME VAULTNAME

Open vault

  • File → Open Vault...
  • Open folder as vault - click "Open"
  • Navigate to ~/Documents/Obsidian/VAULTNAME, click "Open"
  • When asked about trusting plugins, say yes

Configure plugin

  • Settings - (⌘,) or (Obsidian → Settings)
  • On the left, under "Community Plugins" (bottom), select "Git"
  • Under "Commit message"
    • {{hostname}} placeholder replacement → identifier for this machine (not sync'ed in git repo)
  • Under "Advanced"
    • Additional PATH environment variable paths (especially if you see popups about commands not being recognized, such as gpg or keybase-remote)
    • Reload with new environment variables → Reload

Generated 2024-09-05 04:05:29 +0000
initial-21-g1f47195 2024-09-05 04:05:12 +0000