Adding git commit/date info to mdbook "books"
John Simpson 2022-03-08 - Last updated 2022-03-08

One of the limitations I ran into with mdbook is that it doesn’t easily offer a way to automatically embed a version number or date into the generated pages. This makes it difficult for the reader to be sure that the documentation they’re reading is the latest version, or that it matches a specific version of the “thing” the documentation is describing. This is something I normally use with any kind of automated documentation system, so I took the time to figure out how to do it.

Adding git commit/date info

This will add a section at the bottom of the navigation menu with the git commit and its timestamp, plus the timestamp when the HTML was generated.

This comment had most of the details, however what you see below is different enough to justify making my own write-up instead of just linking to the page.


Install jq.


The first step is to modify the template used for every page, with updated HTML to position and format the information, as well as tokens where the dynamic information (the git commit and timestamps) will be substituted.

Note that the generated pages are all self-contained, there is no “frameset” with different HTML files shown on the left and right sides of the browser window.)


The next step is to create a stylesheet, which will format the text added by our template modifications above.

In the root of the repo, create a version-commit.css file with the following contents:

.version {
  font-size: 0.7em;

Now we need to tell mdbook to include that stylesheet in the generated pages.

The resulting section of the file will look like one of these:

The original web page also showed how to not include the version info in any printed output. I’m guessing this is because the “printed output” consists of one big long document containing the entire generated site, as opposed to just the one page you’re looking at in the browser, and having the version info in between every page would get redundant.

I’m adding the version info to the “navigation bar” on the left, which already isn’t included in printed output, so in my case this isn’t necessary. However, if you’re doing something different and find that you need this…

Add the preprocessor script

The version-commit script reads the template we copied earlier and substitutes the commit hash, commit time, and current time where the appropriate tokens exist in the template.

I wrote this first as a Perl script, and then tried to re-write it as a shell script. The script itself is a UNIX “filter” (i.e. it reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT), so it seemed like it should be simple to just calculate the three values, then run a sed command to substitute the values … but when I tried it, all of the generated output files ended up as zero bytes.

It was already working as a Perl script and I didn’t have a lot of time to dig into it, so I left it alone and stuck with that. Maybe in the future if I get curious I’ll have another go at making it into a shell script.

Once the script is in the repo, add the following to book.toml:

renderers       = [ "html" ]
command         = """sh -c 'jq ".[1]"; ./version-commit theme/index-template.hbs > theme/index.hbs'"""

I’m not 100% sure whether the triple-quotes are a TOML thing, or a side effect of whatever code within mdbook parses the file, but this is working.

You will also note, it requires that jq be installed on the machine.

When mdbook runs a preprocessor, it sends a JSON array to the preprocessor’s STDIN. This array contains two dictionaries, one being the “context” with information about the job itself, and the other being a JSON structure of the book’s sections, chapters, and text. The preprocessor is expected to send a potentially modified version of this “book” JSON structure to its STDOUT.

The jq ".[1]" command simply copies the “book” JSON structure as-is, without making any modifications. In this case, we don’t really need to modify anything in the content, we’re just using the “preprocessor” to trigger the conversion of the template for the index.hba file, which is then used as the template for rendering the individual pages within the site.

This is why the string used as the command here, runs the jq command first, and then runs the ./version-commit script to process the template and produce the index.hbs file.


I normally leave mdbook serve running while I work on documents, so I can preview my changes immediately in a browser window. I find that this encourages me to “save early, save often”, as opposed to something like MacDown which shows a live preview while I’m typing and therefore doesn’t force me to save as often.

I tested this by making minor edits to one of the files that mdbook serve is watching - specifically, I added or removed extra empty lines at the end of the src/SUMMARY.md file, and then saved the change.

If you don’t use mdbook serve, you can run mdbook build by hand and check the results in a browser window.


2022-03-08 jms1

CC BY-SA 4.0
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